
Supercharge Your Brain: Tips, Tools, and Courses Inside

Feeling like your brain could use a bit of a boost? We’ve got you covered with some incredible resources to enhance your cognitive performance as a solopreneur.

From brain exercises to expert tips and even a deep dive into cognitive psychology, there’s something for everyone looking to sharpen their mental edge and up their entrepreneurial game.

Let’s dive in!

Articles We’re Reading

Featured Course: The Complete Brain Training Course – Neuroplasticity

The Complete Brain Training Course - Neuroplasticity

Unlock your brain’s potential and train it to think more clearly and creatively with this comprehensive course.


  • Brain Training: Enhance your cognitive abilities.
  • Neuroplasticity: Learn how to reshape your brain.
  • Techniques: Practical steps for better focus, creativity, and learning.
  • Price: $14.99 (originally $74.99), 80% off for a limited time.

Overview: The Complete Brain Training Course is designed to help you maximize your brain’s potential through the concept of neuroplasticity.

This course, suitable for everyone from business executives to students, teaches you to actively shape your brain for improved performance and creativity.


  • Key Features:
    • 6 Hours of On-Demand Video
    • 2 Articles and 7 Downloadable Resources
    • Lifetime Access
    • Certificate of Completion
  • Course Content:
    • Neuroplasticity: Understand how your brain can change and adapt.
    • Focus Techniques: Strategies to improve your concentration and productivity.
    • Healthy Habits: Incorporate practices like meditation, exercise, and proper nutrition.
    • SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP): A unique method to train your brain using self-created audio.
  • Pricing:
    • Current Price: $14.99 (original price $74.99), 80% discount for a limited time.
    • Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

Why We Love It

The course offers practical, science-backed techniques to enhance brain function and mental clarity, covering everything from sleep and exercise to digital hygiene and focus mastery.

With easy-to-follow lectures and lifetime access, you can learn at your own pace and revisit the material whenever you need a refresher.

Solopreneur Journey: Pat Flynn

Curious about building a successful YouTube channel from scratch?

Check out this Niche Pursuits Podcast interview featuring Pat Flynn, where he shares his journey to 600k+ subscribers with actionable tips on content creation, community building, and leveraging YouTube metrics.

Ever wondered what your brain is truly capable of? With Lumosity, you can exercise your memory, flexibility, and problem-solving skills with the world’s most popular brain training program. The best part? You can start without any purchase!

Lumosity takes scientific tasks and transforms them into fun, engaging games. Every day, you’ll get a fresh set of brain exercises tailored to your unique strengths and weaknesses, ensuring you’re always challenged and making progress. Track your improvement over time and see just how much your cognitive abilities can grow.


Whether you’re looking to boost your memory or sharpen your problem-solving skills, Lumosity’s got you covered. With over 50 brain games and personalized daily workouts, you’ll keep your mind active and healthy.

Start with the free version, and if you love it, unlock even more features with the paid plan.


Unlock Your Brain’s Potential with Alpha BRAIN


Find Your Calm with Headspace


Enhance Your Brain Health with CogniFit


We love hearing from you! What cognitive tools are you currently using? Any cool startups we should feature next?

Post a comment, and let us know. Don’t forget to share The Slice with your friends and colleagues!

Until next time, keep hustling and innovating.